About me

Sometime in 2012, I was diagnosed with liver cancer and on 6/13/2014 I had a liver transplant.  It was then my doctor suggested a healthier diet and lower my salt intake. I had been cooking all of my life, and realized that I'd been adding salt to everything I make. That's where the noaddedsaltguy,  (I rarely use a saltshaker when I cook!), then the CustomMadePizzaGuy concept began. 

I thought to myself, why do I need salt in everything I eat? Well, first of all, it's a habit! How many of us instinctively grab a salt shaker when we cook? How about when we're at a restaurant and our food arrives?  

If you think about it, most, if not all, of the food we eat already has salt in it. Fast food relies on salt to make up for the processing involved. Bread, cheese, etc. are loaded with it!

Personally, I like the taste of fresh made meats and vegetables. When I add some fresh garlic and other spices, it taste great. My problem was I was so used to adding salt to everything, that I never got the chance to taste the ingredients I originally wanted. It was always the ingredients AND salt!!

That's where the noaddedsaltguy and the CustomMadePizzaGuy comes in. The CustomMadePizzaGuy uses very little salt when preparing the toppings. The toppings are mixed together, then marinated overnight to give them their unique flavor. Marinated tomatoes, ("Pom Marinato Style") takes the place of red sauce. All of this is then added to the crust, topped with the CustomMadePizzaGuy's blend of cheese's, frozen, then packed for your freezer.


So, give me a try!  Find us in a store near you. In fact, I'll bet I can make you the best frozen pizza you've ever had!



